wizard_male Rockdin w30 Offline
Jan 27, 2011, 11:14 AM
Topics: 6 Posts: 22

apa kn ne?update ka?

see me at w15.....Udinz..[Th3fight3r]
Dontkill w4 Offline
Jan 27, 2011, 11:20 AM
Topics: 2 Posts: 15

au. Update. Gm mau kta try bout upc0ming new ful exp system? Luruska? :p
warrior_male Shinryu w16 Offline
Jan 27, 2011, 11:26 AM
Topics: 6 Posts: 74

Bkn eh,android beta ne,client yg bru kna buat tyme hri a2,gm kn men tst2 dlu wh,untk mmstikn ad bug x

World 16 ;-)
[P.R.A.D.A] 8-)
wizard_male Lespaul w8 Offline
Jan 27, 2011, 2:49 PM
Topics: 6 Posts: 45

inda salah ku mcm king something.mcm odon catu lah ehe :p

The last wizard of the century.
wizard_female Xyes w29 Offline
Jan 28, 2011, 12:27 AM
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

Cna download?

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