warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
Dec 24, 2010, 2:44 AM
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

since many question for the subject,post any of the answers or other question related with it here. other thread will be close for easy discussion in here.


warrior_male Dyomash w22 Offline
Jan 6, 2012, 8:57 AM
Topics: 1 Posts: 131

Old screenshot of Cult site but must help :http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/3112/screenshot0028.png
Tenkou w29 Offline
Jan 6, 2012, 1:11 PM
Topics: 2 Posts: 8

I went to dig that place but it keep saying 'cant use'

mastery of vodoo B-)
warrior_male Dyomash w22 Offline
Jan 6, 2012, 3:51 PM
Topics: 1 Posts: 131

Tenkou [29] wrote:
I went to dig that place but it keep saying 'cant use'
No need to dig.Before update was need 60 lvl (i heard now need 80lvl) and mandrake.Just put mandrake into your backpack and stay on place like on screenshot.You'll fall into Demon nest.
Uproar w19 Offline
Jan 7, 2012, 2:03 AM
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

where to download TIBIAME BETA?
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
Jan 7, 2012, 3:48 AM
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Uproar [19] wrote:
where to download TIBIAME BETA?
the server were no longer available.

Tenkou w29 Offline
Jan 8, 2012, 12:36 AM
Topics: 2 Posts: 8

Dyomash [22] wrote:
Tenkou [29] wrote:
I went to dig that place but it keep saying 'cant use'
No need to dig.Before update was need 60 lvl (i heard now need 80lvl) and mandrake.Just put mandrake into your backpack and stay on place like on screenshot.You'll fall into Demon nest.
Im using mobile and I cant see what the picture was sorry but can you tell me where the place is near at?

mastery of vodoo B-)
warrior_male Dyomash w22 Offline
Jan 9, 2012, 12:13 PM
Topics: 1 Posts: 131

Tenkou [29] wrote:
Dyomash [22] wrote:
Tenkou [29] wrote:
I went to dig that place but it keep saying 'cant use'
No need to dig.Before update was need 60 lvl (i heard now need 80lvl) and mandrake.Just put mandrake into your backpack and stay on place like on screenshot.You'll fall into Demon nest.
Im using mobile and I cant see what the picture was sorry but can you tell me where the place is near at?
Check my photos.
wizard_male Valhalla w22 Offline
Jan 9, 2012, 8:26 PM
Topics: 1 Posts: 30

Lucasmago [24] wrote:
Thelords [27] wrote:
Lucasmago [24] wrote:
where i start the quest for longs?i searched yabutu but nothing T.T
Lvl req 40. House above yabutu park potal, 1st get re ticket at npc ...(forget name:p) at kata dojo.
thx man ;)
You can get the ticket talking to verena . You can found her north of holy hills portal.

Fire in the hole!
Quotafree w18 Offline
Jan 10, 2012, 8:41 AM
Topics: 0 Posts: 14

Tenkou [29] wrote:
I search everywhere for cult site! But where the f**k is it?!
The cult site is on mouldy raids u knw? in midle of tombstone use magmap
warrior_male Silverra w11 Offline
Jan 10, 2012, 10:06 AM
Topics: 0 Posts: 5

Season 10 epi 1 go to s.t nivalis limmerland, find 5 stone, and kill 25 frost bear help two NPC there

Cant stop for TibiaME
wizard_male Ghostman w11 Offline
Jan 10, 2012, 10:49 AM
Topics: 3 Posts: 77

Naga di frostingen pindah kmna ni pasca update 10 jan'12?
Ad yg tau gk?
Baliage w1 Offline
Jan 10, 2012, 2:50 PM
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

Ghostman [11] wrote:
Naga di frostingen pindah kmna ni pasca update 10 jan'12?
Ad yg tau gk?
dragon island,knan portal msuk karpet merah
wizard_male Ghostman w11 Offline
Jan 10, 2012, 2:53 PM
Topics: 3 Posts: 77

Baliage [1] wrote:
Ghostman [11] wrote:
Naga di frostingen pindah kmna ni pasca update 10 jan'12?
Ad yg tau gk?
dragon island,knan portal msuk karpet merah
Msa?Emgny ad y karpet merah dkt portal?
wizard_male Ghostman w11 Offline
Jan 10, 2012, 9:04 PM
Topics: 3 Posts: 77

Baliage [1] wrote:
Ghostman [11] wrote:
Naga di frostingen pindah kmna ni pasca update 10 jan'12?
Ad yg tau gk?
dragon island,knan portal msuk karpet merah
Wah bnrn ad, tp kykny it naga pndhn epi 6..
wizard_male Reickoji w1 Offline
Jan 10, 2012, 11:49 PM
Topics: 0 Posts: 11

ritorment letak na di mana?
Kq gw cri2 di yabutu ga ada,yg ada cm peasent,n ristless jg ga ada!!
wizard_male Ghostman w11 Offline
Jan 11, 2012, 12:21 AM
Topics: 3 Posts: 77

Reickoji [1] wrote:
ritorment letak na di mana?
Kq gw cri2 di yabutu ga ada,yg ada cm peasent,n ristless jg ga ada!!
Msh misteri,ad yg blg ktmu tp byk yg blg blm ad..
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
Jan 11, 2012, 3:17 AM
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Ghostman [11] wrote:
Reickoji [1] wrote:
ritorment letak na di mana?
Kq gw cri2 di yabutu ga ada,yg ada cm peasent,n ristless jg ga ada!!
Msh misteri,ad yg blg ktmu tp byk yg blg blm ad..
belum ad kk. Sapa blg ktmu it bo'ong aja.

wizard_male Ghostman w11 Offline
Jan 11, 2012, 5:04 AM
Topics: 3 Posts: 77

MO-Dyna [7] wrote:
Ghostman [11] wrote:
Reickoji [1] wrote:
ritorment letak na di mana?
Kq gw cri2 di yabutu ga ada,yg ada cm peasent,n ristless jg ga ada!!
Msh misteri,ad yg blg ktmu tp byk yg blg blm ad..
belum ad kk. Sapa blg ktmu it bo'ong aja.
Tmn2 w11 ad yg blg ktmu, tp gk myknkan...
wizard_male Reickoji w1 Offline
Jan 11, 2012, 11:50 AM
Topics: 0 Posts: 11

Ghostman [11] wrote:
MO-Dyna [7] wrote:
Ghostman [11] wrote:
Reickoji [1] wrote:
ritorment letak na di mana?
Kq gw cri2 di yabutu ga ada,yg ada cm peasent,n ristless jg ga ada!!
Msh misteri,ad yg blg ktmu tp byk yg blg blm ad..
belum ad kk. Sapa blg ktmu it bo'ong aja.
Tmn2 w11 ad yg blg ktmu, tp gk myknkan...
kalu ada yg ktmu jgn lpa kbr2,tq
wizard_male Ghostman w11 Offline
Jan 11, 2012, 1:51 PM
Topics: 3 Posts: 77

Reickoji [1] wrote:
Ghostman [11] wrote:
MO-Dyna [7] wrote:
Ghostman [11] wrote:
Reickoji [1] wrote:
ritorment letak na di mana?
Kq gw cri2 di yabutu ga ada,yg ada cm peasent,n ristless jg ga ada!!
Msh misteri,ad yg blg ktmu tp byk yg blg blm ad..
belum ad kk. Sapa blg ktmu it bo'ong aja.
Tmn2 w11 ad yg blg ktmu, tp gk myknkan...
kalu ada yg ktmu jgn lpa kbr2,tq
G aj cr gk ktmu, mgkn bnr kt dyna, blm exist ni..
Gingerbrea w5 Offline
Jan 12, 2012, 8:42 AM
Topics: 0 Posts: 11

where is NPC chaikovsky?
warrior_male Dyomash w22 Offline
Jan 12, 2012, 12:39 PM
Topics: 1 Posts: 131

Gingerbrea [5] wrote:
where is NPC chaikovsky?
Near Cathedral on St.Nivalis.
Gingerbrea w5 Offline
Jan 12, 2012, 1:16 PM
Topics: 0 Posts: 11

No more there :s me find all aroun st.nivalis town
Tenkou w29 Offline
Jan 12, 2012, 5:46 PM
Topics: 2 Posts: 8

Mana acetofluxin? Quest for your ice only d navalis

mastery of vodoo B-)
wizard_male Reickoji w1 Offline
Jan 13, 2012, 1:37 AM
Topics: 0 Posts: 11

quest epi 1 dpt apa?
Wpn new lum exit pa?
wizard_male Ghostman w11 Offline
Jan 13, 2012, 4:22 AM
Topics: 3 Posts: 77

Reickoji [1] wrote:
quest epi 1 dpt apa?
Wpn new lum exit pa?
Dpt exp 4k, wpn new ap?
warrior_male Silverra w11 Offline
Jan 13, 2012, 11:32 PM
Topics: 0 Posts: 5

season 10 sma sja gk ada yg istimewa hnya pembaruan, quest ny mmbosankn

Cant stop for TibiaME
wizard_male Reickoji w1 Offline
Jan 13, 2012, 11:38 PM
Topics: 0 Posts: 11

Ghostman [11] wrote:
Reickoji [1] wrote:
quest epi 1 dpt apa?
Wpn new lum exit pa?
Dpt exp 4k, wpn new ap?
ada wpn new lg nda?
Msa yg new cm wpn holi aja,s.o.d
Yg lain nda exit
wizard_male Reickoji w1 Offline
Jan 13, 2012, 11:39 PM
Topics: 0 Posts: 11

Silverra [11] wrote:
season 10 sma sja gk ada yg istimewa hnya pembaruan, quest ny mmbosankn
blm x,tgl 24 kan update lg epi 2,cp tw wpn new yg laen exit,
wizard_male Reickoji w1 Offline
Jan 15, 2012, 4:14 AM
Topics: 0 Posts: 11

take portal evil cstile gmn?
Kq w ga bs msk wkt lwt pintu wrn pink,mental,hrz quest ap?
Pdhl w da quest c.r da quest,ttp ga bs msk!
Bg solusi na!
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