Generic monster..
Ada yg tau tempatnya? Post disini please..
Kalo bisa kash tau nama pulaunya juga.. Thanks..
Nady w7
Dec 21, 2010, 2:17 PM
Topics: 18
Posts: 2584
Generic monster??
Yes,generic monster. Attack fire element like dragon fire..Maybe that more than strong..
Batboy w22
Dec 22, 2010, 11:10 AM
Topics: 12
Posts: 910
Did you mean monster in basic client?
Batboy (w22), Tibia-ME.net moderator 2011
The name of Generic monster is famous for long time ago.But no body know where the land or place of generic monster..
Open fans site: tockhi.su->Ensiclopedia->Best armour wiz.. You can see armour set for hunt "Generic mounster"..!!
Nady w7
Dec 22, 2010, 2:49 PM
Topics: 18
Posts: 2584
Owh! Hahahaha! He means that any monsters with one element damage only(not including hit as it is already common),like example dragon with fire breathing,so the best for that fire type of monster are as the following given.
Owh,but why the monster is exis.And if you open the tibiame.Net..the picture of generic it exis too. Do you know why..?
Nady w7
Dec 23, 2010, 7:43 AM
Topics: 18
Posts: 2584
I think you didn't get what I meant,don't you?
Generic monster mean any monster that attack with single(one) element, (e.g dragon= fire,bug= hit,ice dragon= ice ETC)
Owh,but why the monster is exis.And if you open the tibiame.Net..the picture of generic it exis too. Do you know why..?
The icon of generic moster was used in basic clients. Many different mosters' icons were replaced with that one, so old phones wouldn't be overloaded with lot of graphics.
Nady w7
Dec 23, 2010, 1:54 PM
Topics: 18
Posts: 2584
That is only at TibiaME Basic and old version of TibiaME Java.
Basic client is means for PC,or Mobile app..??
Nady w7
Dec 24, 2010, 2:34 AM
Topics: 18
Posts: 2584
nope,its for phone that got low memory...
O.. Aneh ya.. Nama tanpa bentuk.. Kayak tipuan atau fitnah,gagagk. Tp aku tetap penasaran ama generic monster..
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