warrior_male Nicko w23 Offline
11 de dez. de 2010, 03:02
Topics: 6 Posts: 61

I download kemulator and tibiame java then what to do next?

Life is a competition. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. BUT....both are good to shape a BETTER YOU
warrior_male Keitaro w24 Offline
11 de dez. de 2010, 04:16
Topics: 12 Posts: 39

hm, i use sjboy emulator but i think the program is same. Just open the emulator, then open tibiame java file, and try login, wait for the update process complete, and PLAY :)

notes: sometimes it error when u finish updating, if error u must close emulator and re-open it , then try login , if still can't , delete all files in c:rms then re-open again to update again, good luck :D

warrior_male Nicko w23 Offline
11 de dez. de 2010, 05:02
Topics: 6 Posts: 61

I'm confuse and dont understand.haha. I'll try to open but can't open.how to open?click twice or right click then choose open? It still cannot open.

Life is a competition. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
BUT....both are good to shape a BETTER
warrior_male Nicko w23 Offline
11 de dez. de 2010, 05:10
Topics: 6 Posts: 61

O ya nanya1 lg.kalau mau take,use,chat,pv,guild chat,tu pencet apa?dan minimapnya apa sudah otomatis ada?

Life is a competition. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
BUT....both are good to shape a BETTER
warrior_male Keitaro w24 Offline
11 de dez. de 2010, 07:51
Topics: 12 Posts: 39

kalo sjboy mw open , tingl klik file > open > plh tibiame java

minimapny kalo ga xlah ga ad, lupa w(kykny hrus download file laen, tapi wkt ito w maen ad mapny), and mw take , use thu anggap num lock di knan sbgai keypad hp. 7 thu 1 , 8 thu 2 , 9 thu 3, dan sterusny

warrior_male Nicko w23 Offline
11 de dez. de 2010, 08:07
Topics: 6 Posts: 61

Tq bro tar gw coba.soalnya harus ke warnet dulu sih.hehe

Life is a competition. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
BUT....both are good to shape a BETTER
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