wizard_male Lespaul w8 Offline
5 de dez. de 2010, 13:35
Topics: 6 Posts: 45

list down sini,time first drop k.h or c.h brpa ninja dah kamu bunuh? :D

The last wizard of the century.
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
6 de dez. de 2010, 02:54
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

455 ninjana drop c.h :D

Pcsilverzz w10 Offline
6 de dez. de 2010, 04:24
Topics: 0 Posts: 73

wizard_male Lespaul w8 Offline
6 de dez. de 2010, 09:37
Topics: 6 Posts: 45

Btw ku lvl 60,1 ninja talan 2 plud merah haha (wizard) bleh banckrupt ni huhu

The last wizard of the century.
warrior_male Nicko w23 Offline
6 de dez. de 2010, 22:45
Topics: 6 Posts: 61

Temenku ada yg uda bunuh 1000 lebih ninjana tak dapat2 jua.need lucky to drop c.h and k.h

Life is a competition. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
BUT....both are good to shape a BETTER
wizard_female Volgab w12 Offline
6 de dez. de 2010, 23:26
Topics: 0 Posts: 6

aku bnuh 1020 ninjanas.blm drop2.krna ramai yg hunt.gaga

better than it..
warrior_male Farchan w23 Offline
8 de dez. de 2010, 06:08
Topics: 4 Posts: 62

ku bnuh sktr 4500 br drop c.h, lalu br drop lg wkt bnuh 11000 lbh and nada drop k.h huhuh :(

'handsome' is what girls call me. Jiahahaa 8-)
warrior_male Sanko w23 Offline
8 de dez. de 2010, 16:22
Topics: 1 Posts: 5

ku bnuh sktr 4500 br drop c.h, lalu br drop lg wkt bnuh 11000 lbh and nada drop k.h huhuh :(
drop titit setelah 12000 :p
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