wizard_male Lespaul w8 Offline
2 de dez. de 2010, 09:39
Topics: 6 Posts: 45

Apa kan yg news ah? Mun ind di isi ilang char ka? Ku dah isi dulu kai hp,mna dpt tukar lagi kai email.miana to?

The last wizard of the century.
warrior_male Newbiez w23 Offline
3 de dez. de 2010, 04:09
Topics: 0 Posts: 45

y . Guna ny tuk gnt emergency contact char kt ke email. Ku dlu jg pernh kai hp, truz ad org yg pake email ny,dy ngaku2 tu email q ke gm, mnt d gntkan pin char aq. Resiko ny pin char aq d gnt dan prem aq bkurng 5 ari. Understand?

lv 53, pvp 35. Aw man...
warrior_male Raven w10 Offline
3 de dez. de 2010, 13:23
Topics: 2 Posts: 38

My char sdh registred emrgency cntct using my email tpi lama sdh (buln januari lepas/lalu) dan pertanyaanku : adakah ia perlu diregisterkn lgi?

Wizard w23 Offline
4 de dez. de 2010, 06:09
Topics: 8 Posts: 12

lau da dr pertama kai email nda perlu reg lge,terkecuali yg kai sms..
warrior_male Raven w10 Offline
5 de dez. de 2010, 05:42
Topics: 2 Posts: 38

Owh.. Tq :)

Pelupa w3 Offline
5 de dez. de 2010, 09:01
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

gimana mau reg nya?mesti kirim email ke gm ?
Pcsilverzz w10 Offline
6 de dez. de 2010, 04:32
Topics: 0 Posts: 73

reg biasa je,cuma perlu 2kar emrgncy cntct ke emil
wizard_female Volgab w12 Offline
6 de dez. de 2010, 23:21
Topics: 0 Posts: 6

gmn tukar.a?pki e.c yg lama?

better than it..
Pelupa w3 Offline
7 de dez. de 2010, 08:17
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

0o0o....berarti e.c yg pakai no hp di ganti jadi e.c email gitu ya?
warrior_male Farchan w23 Offline
8 de dez. de 2010, 04:51
Topics: 4 Posts: 62

0o0o....berarti e.c yg pakai no hp di ganti jadi e.c email gitu ya?

'handsome' is what girls call me. Jiahahaa 8-)
wizard_female Syana w6 Offline
8 de dez. de 2010, 11:24
Topics: 3 Posts: 39

If char not premium.How to change emergency contact?
wizard_male Raguna w14 Offline
8 de dez. de 2010, 12:50
Topics: 0 Posts: 45

mun nda prem nda la dpt to.. Coz we hve to pay 5 day of prem.. Ryyyte??

no more hunting.. Lazy.. Always at arena.. Crazy.. :o
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