wizard_male Mgeyes w5 Offline
21 de nov. de 2010, 07:46
Topics: 7 Posts: 5

trade ma level 56up war world brapa sja, reg nya msti 50up

my char:
name: mgeyes
world: 5
level: 49
vocation: wizards
premium: 66days left(s)
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
21 de nov. de 2010, 09:31
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Kna banish krg uy.

warrior_male Batboy w22 Offline
22 de nov. de 2010, 02:57
Topics: 12 Posts: 910

trade ma level 56up war world brapa sja, reg nya msti 50up

my char:
name: mgeyes
world: 5
level: 49
vocation: wizards
premium: 66days left(s)
Character trading is illegal.

Batboy (w22), Tibia-ME.net moderator 2011
warrior_male Blackbatz w14 Offline
25 de nov. de 2010, 16:21
Topics: 2 Posts: 4

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