Nkerenzz w20 Offline
19 de nov. de 2010, 13:32
Topics: 3 Posts: 30

gm can you help me,,iam forget my pin premiu,can you give me old my pin or new pin my email makamummax@yahoo.com my handphone 085266556666.can you request my char : giovani world : 13
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
19 de nov. de 2010, 16:36
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Send an email at support@TibiaME.com with your full character's detail reports.

Nkerenzz w20 Offline
20 de nov. de 2010, 11:49
Topics: 3 Posts: 30

yes thank you request can you send a new pin at my phone 628129551885
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
20 de nov. de 2010, 16:09
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

yes thank you request can you send a new pin at my phone 628129551885
I didn't get what you mean.. Please make it clear :)

warrior_male Keitaro w24 Offline
21 de nov. de 2010, 02:37
Topics: 12 Posts: 39

yes thank you request can you send a new pin at my phone 628129551885
I didn't get what you mean.. Please make it clear :)
maybe he send email and got reply thx for your request. we kindly bla bla bla. . .
then he want his new pin send via sms :)

Nkerenzz w20 Offline
21 de nov. de 2010, 06:29
Topics: 3 Posts: 30

gm why,not be send via sms my new pin,,i not change old my password.tq
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
21 de nov. de 2010, 09:47
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

gm why,not be send via sms my new pin,,i not change old my password.tq
Relax dude,just wait a couple more days for their reply.

Nkerenzz w20 Offline
22 de nov. de 2010, 11:50
Topics: 3 Posts: 30

gm why not a new pin.why does not my emergency concact.iam in my emergency for number 628129551885
Nkerenzz w20 Offline
22 de nov. de 2010, 11:52
Topics: 3 Posts: 30

gm apa salah nya lagi,,emergency concact atas nomor hp 68129551885.kenapa saya tidak dapat komfirmasi pin baru..premi saya tinggal 6 hari lagi.thanks
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
22 de nov. de 2010, 13:01
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Kamu perlu buat aduan melalui email di support@tibiame.com

.:!gunakan bahasa inggeris!:.

Nkerenzz w20 Offline
22 de nov. de 2010, 13:18
Topics: 3 Posts: 30

saya udah aduan di email tapi kata dia salah emergency concact ya
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
23 de nov. de 2010, 14:27
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Ertinya char kamu kena ubah emergency nya,tgu aja 30hari,bru dpt tukar.

Nkerenzz w20 Offline
24 de nov. de 2010, 04:28
Topics: 3 Posts: 30

tpi saya lupa pin code lama nya,kamu dpt send old pin code or new pin code at my phone via sms 628129551885
Nkerenzz w20 Offline
24 de nov. de 2010, 04:35
Topics: 3 Posts: 30

emercency saya kena block,gara2 saya mau ingat pin lama saya,saya mau gnti pasword gk bisa tlng saya gm nany,saya sangat perlu,bisa unlock my emergency,terus saya bisa tanya,emergency char giovani atas nomor hp saya,setau aku,aku pki emergency atas no hp aku yg ini 628129551885 thank
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
24 de nov. de 2010, 05:49
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Ga dpt kalau gitu

Nkerenzz w20 Offline
24 de nov. de 2010, 06:24
Topics: 3 Posts: 30

jdi solusi nya gmna supayg bsa dpt pin baru,trus tolong unlock my emergency contact ya,thank gm
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
24 de nov. de 2010, 09:41
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Ga dpt slagi kamu ga tau PIN nya :D

Nkerenzz w20 Offline
24 de nov. de 2010, 12:48
Topics: 3 Posts: 30

jdi kalau minta pin bru bisa..oh ya tnlg buka block emergency char giovani ya
Jacksparow w30 Offline
22 de jan. de 2011, 10:32
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

g.m. Saya lupa pin. Pin nya saya save dihp. Dan hp itu hilang dgn simcart nya. Gmn caranya agar saya dpt pin kembali..
wizard_male Stylist w23 Offline
2 de fev. de 2011, 10:55
Topics: 1 Posts: 12

request a new one
Dy w29 Offline
4 de fev. de 2011, 19:27
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

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