warrior_male Firetibia w16 Offline
14 lis 2010, 00:28
Topics: 3 Posts: 0

Please tell me..
warrior_male Pyromancer w23 Offline
14 lis 2010, 01:21
Topics: 3 Posts: 70

dwarf, petty, swabby
warrior_male Batboy w22 Offline
14 lis 2010, 05:23
Topics: 12 Posts: 910


Batboy (w22), Tibia-ME.net moderator 2011
warrior_male Ddelta w19 Offline
14 lis 2010, 11:26
Topics: 5 Posts: 37

Pyro, can I know what u hunt?

Haha, pvp 5 w19
warrior_male Pyromancer w23 Offline
15 lis 2010, 00:18
Topics: 3 Posts: 70

Pyro, can I know what u hunt?
Since I am 50 I hunt for petty and swabby, sometimes making a guild hunt at dwarf ( boccacio quest, castle near lenista, too much dwarf there for single war lv 50, even 60, lol :D )
wizard_male Spam w7 Offline
15 lis 2010, 20:22
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

how about yeti ehehe...
warrior_male Pyromancer w23 Offline
19 lis 2010, 01:51
Topics: 3 Posts: 70

how about yeti ehehe...
Also good, but yeti always crowded , not so efficient hunt there ( in my world, :D )
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