warrior_male Vif w30 Offline
11 de nov. de 2010, 08:20
Topics: 1 Posts: 0

gmna cra masuk evil castle?

warrior_male Batboy w22 Offline
11 de nov. de 2010, 16:25
Topics: 12 Posts: 910

GM-Balinor said,
The evil castle access was fixed with tonights server save - so you can go and hunt Hornig again :)

Batboy (w22), Tibia-ME.net moderator 2011
warrior_male Crazio w10 Offline
11 de nov. de 2010, 20:26
Topics: 7 Posts: 296


Kui w16 Offline
11 de nov. de 2010, 23:44
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

wizard_male Mgeyes w5 Offline
12 de nov. de 2010, 09:00
Topics: 7 Posts: 5

We can't hunting hornig

cause invi mana 100 and to short
Ghoulx w4 Offline
12 de nov. de 2010, 23:10
Topics: 3 Posts: 3

Dpt dah msuk
Marine w26 Offline
18 de nov. de 2010, 13:20
Topics: 1 Posts: 1

Y masuk aja msk aja susah suruh horniq nya kch jalan pasti diksh msk untuk sarapan dy
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