warrior_female Shadowquik w10 Offline
29 de out. de 2010, 21:39
Topics: 9 Posts: 52

nady, batboy how about the new achievements? Got an idea? :-D

master of shadows! 8-)
wizard_male Hidup w8 Offline
3 de nov. de 2010, 16:00
Topics: 10 Posts: 146

its easy to get those two, just use any portal at aurea and st nivalis, that wil trigger the achvment
im use all portal at nivalis but i cant got ice climber
Me too. I can't get ice climber

GM-Isolan said,
9? I got tht arcivment alrdy..the portals were sakroka,drgn islnd,frostingen,crystad,crypt,nowhere cave,and one m0re..i forgot..pat snoel a.

ahaha...mybe the last last wiz tht stil standing in w8! Aha..peace!
warrior_male Pyromancer w23 Offline
13 de nov. de 2010, 04:03
Topics: 3 Posts: 70

its easy to get those two, just use any portal at aurea and st nivalis, that wil trigger the achvment
im use all portal at nivalis but i cant got ice climber
Me too. I can't get ice climber

GM-Isolan said,
9? I got tht arcivment alrdy..the portals were sakroka,drgn islnd,frostingen,crystad,crypt,nowhere cave,and one m0re..i forgot..pat snoel a.
Limmerland'? Haha, so many new achvment, to get the million just autohunt at furbal, thought...
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