warrior_male Mike w5 Offline
9 de out. de 2010, 03:27
Topics: 3 Posts: 28

Give me advice b0ut it please..

wizard_male Mystery w25 Offline
19 de out. de 2010, 22:04
Topics: 2 Posts: 84

im use :
frost hood
king cloak
black belt
crystal chain
hex shild
energy ring

and i bring steel amulet at backpack
total is 30% fire, 32% ice, 30 % holy, 40% energy and 50% hit,, for wpn im use l.b , :D :D :D
It is very sad if you die at arena and drop that steel amulet.
Hahaha , many stel amulet at trade house just 10k gold or you can use power amulet :)
Sayang gold tu brada xD
Gegege :D

¤play warrior is super very²
easy ¤
play wizard is super
very² hard¤
warrior_male Chaosseven w3 Offline
22 de out. de 2010, 01:48
Topics: 1 Posts: 26

liat ja wpn ah. m.a tuk lvl 75,sol tuk lvl 75,lb tuk lvl 60,aob tuk lvl 65,malmer tuk lvl 80. pikir2 ja apa urg jrng makai.
warrior_male Chaosseven w3 Offline
22 de out. de 2010, 01:50
Topics: 1 Posts: 26

liat ja wpn ah. m.a tuk lvl 75,sol tuk lvl 75,lb tuk lvl 60,aob tuk lvl 65,malmer tuk lvl 80. pikir2 ja apa urg jrng makai.
sama ikut lvl urg atu. and wpn apa yang ea nda teangkat .armr atu patut nda dpakai. pandai2 mikir .yg na phm tu phm kan.
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
22 de out. de 2010, 03:58
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Sol 70 jua

warrior_male Chaosseven w3 Offline
22 de out. de 2010, 05:49
Topics: 1 Posts: 26

Sol 70 jua
au 70.haha slah wa ei.
Madii w17 Offline
22 de out. de 2010, 09:55
Topics: 0 Posts: 8

What's hnt for d3m0n?
Madii w17 Offline
22 de out. de 2010, 09:56
Topics: 0 Posts: 8

What's arm0r for d3m0n?
warrior_male Farchan w23 Offline
24 de out. de 2010, 03:33
Topics: 4 Posts: 62

What's arm0r for d3m0n?
cmpur api sm h0ly, bnykan api sikit.
c.h, c.a, r.n.c, black belt, chastity ring, crusader shield

'handsome' is what girls call me. Jiahahaa 8-)
warrior_male Spongbob w10 Offline
24 de out. de 2010, 12:58
Topics: 0 Posts: 2

(C.h c.a c.l crusaider shield, fire ring, crystal chain): for warrior. (Shaolin head belt,f.m steel chains, chastity ring, perisai listrik, king trouser): for wizard... ;)
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
25 de out. de 2010, 05:48
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

(C.h c.a c.l crusaider shield, fire ring, crystal chain): for warrior. (Shaolin head belt,f.m steel chains, chastity ring, perisai listrik, king trouser): for wizard... ;)
Armor apa ne? :s

warrior_female Mrgugut w3 Offline
25 de out. de 2010, 10:26
Topics: 3 Posts: 118

(C.h c.a c.l crusaider shield, fire ring, crystal chain): for warrior. (Shaolin head belt,f.m steel chains, chastity ring, perisai listrik, king trouser): for wizard... ;)
Armor apa ne? :s
arena x? Ku perati kn dua2, kumpum alah holy n ais.. Nda kuat arm mu 2 sponge, ekeke btw 3 hari beturut indun mti pt wol ku.. 1st day lv 65 2nd day lv 58 today lv 76.. Ahai easy kill.. Im so happy :) my arm in arena is good..

:rip:Demon Slayer:rip:
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
25 de out. de 2010, 13:41
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Aduh,yth mbuat aobku nyambur ne brada :D

wizard_female Redstarzzz w30 Offline
26 de nov. de 2010, 06:26
Topics: 0 Posts: 6


warrior_male Frostfire w5 Offline
10 de ago. de 2011, 06:23
Topics: 0 Posts: 1

Ku pakai frost helmet amulate of earth crown armour black hardbelt crusader shield cozy warmring
wizard_male Seribuana w3 Offline
10 de ago. de 2011, 07:40
Topics: 3 Posts: 97

Hahaha, after about 8 month from last poster, u reply it just now.

A quo
te from npc roy ( come back when you are dead ) understand it's meaning and we will know what's needed to be a great person.
warrior_male Batboy w22 Offline
10 de ago. de 2011, 07:56
Topics: 12 Posts: 910

Please use the sticky thread and let old threads lie. If you think a topic is interesting, you're welcome to start a new thread instead of resurrecting an old thread. :)

Batboy (w22), Tibia-ME.net moderator 2011
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