Yah... That what i'm calculated...
So to be sure to be able to tank a demon...
My suggestion using fire armor at least 80~90% and with a bit of 35% soul to get better help...
But i think i'm gonna try using full set of fire to fight demon...
I think is better then the bit assist then soul...
Full set of fire huh?Surely you're dead,even demon strong is fire than holy,but it's doesn't mean that it's holy not strong,which is,it can up to 100up too!
Well to tell you this both element from demon can up to 200, as lot of player didn't know that, most player only figure that only demon fire can up to 200, but let me tell you this... It's your fire armor that help you reduce the soul damage... But most of player doesn't believe it...
You see... Both fire and soul are demon attack, so both element assist each other again their element... If you get demon fire damage mainly reduce from fire armor, yes that true but as i calculate if only reduce with fire element, demon will hit you up to 160 even when you using crown set without minus soul and as it have minus soul, the demon fire take advantage of that even the if the damage is fire so it can up to 180, so using crown set just get you killed even though you reduce even better on it soul damage...
So try calculate with this way...
Enemy actual damage - ( main defend/1.5 + sub defend/2 ) to get the max damage of the monster
to get monster actual damage
(main defend/1.5 + sub defend/2) + monster current max damage with the armor u using
p.s. sub defend must be 1 of enemy attack, element other from monster won't be counted
so i'll still try using fire armor only without minus soul to test on demon...