Well, if u think my calculation is accurated... i think is fine with c.l
me too scared to wear it against Dem0n
last fight a Dem0n l0ng ago with king tr0user equipped, I t0ok +80 h0ly damage d0ne by that impudent Dem0n...
__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
If chastity arm0ur is released mybe it will replacing Angelic Mantle
__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
Hy all..How about using this setting..Can u calculate 4 me..
-king hood 25%
-king cloak 30%
-blackbelt 15%
-hex shield 15%
-r.N.C 25%
-soulfire ring 10%10%
=fire 90% soul 40%