cna kn buka protal cold cave?apa quest nya?n btw cna kn msuk pintu tngah2 yg ada pagar ampir sma rumah apa 2?help me pls..
Quest Greezo 60+
Well, you must have enough experience for level 40. Going from the very first episode of season two - taking parchment under Aluka's house where many ghosts swarming around. Talk to Davees ,continue with one of the heroes under the Ashmor Tavern. He'll ask you to find a rescue mushroom that is located in a chest near king eye Oculus. After obtaining the mushroom you'll have to talk again with heroes and you can jump to episode 5 instantly.
Episode 5 - NPC Ridley - you'll have to find key-words from key persons named
Richard - wizard on Solahmar Lakes - East from harbor.
Julian - warrior from Lybera - near the entrance of Lizard's cave
George - warrior from Aurea Marshlands.
Anne - wizard from Aurea Mines
then talk again to NPC Ridley and you'll be teleported to Centaville.
Season 6 - Way to Greezoo
*wear fire armour
You'll need to have a partner for this episode. Burn the stump by Candle that you've purchased at Magic of Jewellry at Ashmor. Then you'll encounter eyes on your first sight. Next then, you'll find a secret buttons to press at. Named Hall of Control, Hall of Trust, Hall of whatever it is~ until you find a portal that is covered with switch. At that point, your friend need to go far west from Hall of Trust until he find a portal. Wah i can't explain anymore
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