Just download from the themes that had been prepared by Molodoy. If your cellphone is symbian ver2 type,just choose s60, but I am not sure about symbian ver3
wah... market leader juga N70 ME, banyak jua usernya...
HP favorite..
__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
What s40 ph0ne you mean?
If S40 old like Nokia 3100 it cant play TibiaME and support theme
But if like S40 new Nokia 3120c it can either play TibiaME (Without theme) , and support phone theme
__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0
Temanya yg d0wnload dicini aman kan? Katanya kalo pake tema char kita bs kna heck gt, bnr gak tuch?
mank banyak da kasus macam itu...
tapi menurutku thema sni aman2 ja, walopun ku nda menjamin 100% juga sih
__________________________ Ultranova! Top Element white Attributes, on Chrono Cross... Sony Playstation Inc. 2nd Clashing with DEMON, check it out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCW3GZTMwo0