Pjfc w3 Offline
16 kwi 2011, 15:22
Topics: 3 Posts: 6

gm why u is liar...u say full exp is forever!do u know what mean forever?! F u dont know what mean FOREVER?I give my dictionary to u for u read..soe f my english is bad..gagaga
warrior_male Defor w16 Offline
16 kwi 2011, 16:01
Topics: 0 Posts: 24

Dont spam bro.

:) Have fun in TibiaME :)
Pjfc w3 Offline
16 kwi 2011, 16:18
Topics: 3 Posts: 6

Pj w3 Offline
24 kwi 2011, 11:51
Topics: 1 Posts: 1

it true....................pjfc
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