warrior_female Meowcute w17 Offline
Feb 21, 2011, 1:03 PM
Topics: 2 Posts: 5

Please teach me how to fix my pin that blocked?
warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
Feb 21, 2011, 1:39 PM
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

Report your problem(unblock PIN) using email at support@TibiaME.com includes your character name,ingame world,PIN code,and Emergency Contact.

Note that if you give incorrect details of the character,the TibiaME support centre would not help you unblock it.

warrior_female Meowcute w17 Offline
Feb 22, 2011, 3:37 AM
Topics: 2 Posts: 5

warrior_male Nady w7 Offline
Feb 22, 2011, 10:29 AM
Topics: 18 Posts: 2584

No problem ;)

warrior_male Tetra w23 Offline
Mar 17, 2011, 10:24 PM
Topics: 4 Posts: 117

Kalau pin nya lupa gmn? Sama kya tread di atas, tlng jwb ya :D

:inlove: Lövê lîkê fîrê, ît cån't bê mädê a föól, ît wöûld bûrn yöûr ówn ånd yòu cän déäd wîth lóvê :ah: , , , :knife: :rip: . . .
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